June 2022
I like a good idiom just as much as the next person - just not when it's butchered!
So, for clarity, the proof is not in the pudding!
The correct usage is: "The proof of the pudding is in the eating"
i.e. Something can only really be judged good or bad after it has been tried, used or experienced.
And, while I'm ranting, here are some more commonly misused idioms that I found on t'interweb...
A blessing in the skies -> Nope - A blessing in disguise
Nip it in the butt -> Nope - Nip it in the bud
Deep-seeded -> Nope - Deep-seated
Baited breath - Nope - Bated breath
Piece of mind - Nope - Peace of mind
Could care less -> Nope - Couldn’t care less
Statue of limitations -> Nope - Statute of Limitations
For all intensive purposes -> Nope - For all intents and purposes
Getting off scotch free -> Nope - Getting off scot free
Doggy-dog world -> Nope - Dog-eat-dog world
Peaked my interest -> Nope - Piqued my interest
Mute point -> Nope - Moot point
Wet your appetite - WHet your appetite