February 2022
Steam-Valve is a collection of what could be loosely described as "Blog Posts" that I began writing around 2010 and 2011. They were intended to be mildly humourous but, looking back on them now, I was clearly "venting steam" about things that wound me up and trying to package them as funny...
I was in my late forties, approaching the dreaded "50 Years Old" mark, had a hectic life including two sons in their late teens both who had hormone-fuelled attitudes, thought they were Michael Schumacher, were invincible and had university looming. So, I had some excuse for being grumpy and having a need to vent.
Writing these posts, for no one in particular, was my Steam-Valve.
It must have worked though as, after a half dozen or so posts, I seemed to have vented much of my grumps and gripes and the steam pressure was relieved and I stopped posting.
Now, just entering my "Sixties" and am retired, I'm actually expected to be grumpy - which is just wonderful!
In the intervening years and with my now-expected grumpiness, I have found a few more things to rant about...